Policy & Advocacy

Policy Advocacy to Dismantle Family Policing

Testimony and Public Comments

Testimony to the General Welfare and Finance Committees of the New York City Council

May 6, 2024

Center for Family Representation (CFR) submitted testimony to the New York City Council on the FY 25 budget.

Read the full testimony here.

Testimony on the Harms of the Family Court System Presented Before the New York State Senate Judiciary Committee Jointly with the Committee on Children & Families

November 1, 2023

Jennifer Feinberg, Litigation Supervisor for Policy and Government Affairs at the Center for Family Representation (CFR), testified about CFR’s experiences practicing in New York City family courts.

Read the full testimony here.

Testimony Presented to the New York City Council Committee on Education, jointly with the Committee on Public Safety

October 25, 2023

Sandeep Kandhari, Director of the Youth Defense Practice at the Center for Family Representation (CFR), testified on student safety in New York City Public Schools and State legislation that would ensure young people are protected during police interrogations.

Read the full testimony here.

Testimony on the Child Welfare System and the Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Maltreatment in New York State

September 27, 2023

Jennifer Feinberg, Litigation Supervisor for Policy and Government Affairs at the Center for Family Representation (CFR), testified before the New York State Assembly Standing Committee on Children & Families about eliminating the practice of mandated reporting.

Read the full testimony here.

Testimony on the State of Primary Prevention Services in New York State

October 18, 2022

We testified before the New York State Assembly Standing Committee on Children & Families, recommending that New York State invest in and guarantee timely access to quality legal representation for parents as a critical component of any primary prevention plan; invest in family defense and fully fund Article 10 contracts; deliver primary prevention programs and services directly to families through community-based organizations; and invest in programs that alleviate poverty and provide supportive, evidence-based services outside of the family regulation systems. This testimony was submitted jointly by the Bronx Defenders (BxD), Brooklyn Defender Services (BDS), the Center for Family Representation (CFR), and the Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem (NDS).

Read the full testimony here.

Testimony Regarding Three Bills Before the Committee on General Welfare

September 13, 2022

We testified in support of Intro 229 and Intro 276, and against Intro 522. A written testimony, submitted jointly with Urban Justice Center’s Safety Net Project, NYC Family Policy Project, and Rise, can be found below.

Read the full testimony here.

Submitted Testimony for The New York City Council General Welfare Committee Hearing on the Family Miranda Bill

June 15, 2022

Jennifer Feinberg, Litigation Supervisor, Policy & Government Affairs at CFR, submitted testimony to the City Council Committee on General Welfare for a hearing on Int. 294-2022, also known as the Family Miranda Bill. This bill is a crucial step in ensuring that parents are informed of their rights at the commencement of an investigation by the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS).

Read CFR’s testimony here.

Committee on Women and Gender Equity Testimony on the Barriers to Accessing Survivor Services in New York City 

February 22, 2022

Jennifer Feinberg, Litigation Supervisor, Policy & Government Affairs at CFR, testified during a virtual hearing before the Committee on Women and Gender Equity focusing on domestic violence survivors’ barriers to accessing services in New York City during the pandemic. A written testimony can be found below.

Read CFR’s testimony here.

Comments in Response to NYC Administration for Children’s Services Parent Advocate/ICSC Initiative Concept Paper

December 10, 2021

CFR wrote a letter in response to the request for public comments on the Parent Advocate/ICSC Initiative Concept Paper opposing the procurement of Parent Advocates as agents of ACS.

Read CFR’s letter here.

Testimony for Assembly Standing Committee on Children and Families

October 21, 2021

CFR submitted testimony to the Assembly Standing Committee on Children and Families discussing the harms and destruction of the family regulation system on New York’s Black and Latine communities. A written testimony can be found below.

Read CFR’s testimony here.

City Council Committee on General Welfare Oversight hearing: The Child Welfare System During COVID-19

June 14, 2021

Jennifer Feinberg, Litigation Supervisor, Policy & Government Affairs at CFR, testified during a virtual hearing before the City Council General Welfare Committee that focused on parenting time during the pandemic. A written testimony, submitted jointly with other family defense providers, can be found below.

Read CFR’s testimony here.

General Welfare Committee Hearing on the Juvenile Justice System during COVID-19

February 22, 2021

Sandeep Kandhari, Litigation Supervisor at CFR, testified during a virtual hearing before the City Council General Welfare Committee about the challenges young people are facing in the juvenile justice system due to COVID-19, such as remote hearings limiting the ability to communicate with their attorneys and allowing a decision maker to deprive their freedom without ever meeting them, delayed court appearances, and the risk of contracting COVID-19 while being held in detention.

Read CFR’s testimony here.

Committee on Education Hearing on Students in Emotional Crisis in Public Schools

February 18, 2021

Hope Newton, Parent Advocate at CFR, testified during a virtual hearing before the City Council Committee on Education about what is on every parent’s mind: a safe environment where children feel psychologically, physically and emotionally safe to learn and grow. Ms. Newton stated that a healing-centered approach is needed to address parents’ concerns.

Read CFR’s testimony here.

General Welfare Committee Hearing on Racial Disparities in the Child Welfare System

October 28, 2020

The New York City Council’s General Welfare Committee held a virtual hearing on Racial Disparity in the Child Welfare System. Teyora Graves, Senior Parent Advocate at CFR and Tehra Coles, Litigation Supervisor at CFR, testified as well as representatives from the Brooklyn Defender Services, The Bronx Defenders, Neighborhood Defender Services, Joyce McMillan, the head of PLAN, and other members of the community.

Read CFR’s testimonies here and here.

General Welfare Committee Hearing on the Slate of Bills Proposed by the Progressive Caucus

October 31, 2019

Hope Newton, Parent Advocate at CFR, testified before New York City Council on the importance of parents being informed of their legal rights during a child protective investigation, and prior to any court filing, as well as how outcomes for families could be improved if parents had access to lawyers and social workers during the investigation.

Read CFR’s testimony here.

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