Junior Board Application

Note: Junior Board applications are currently closed.


Thank you for your interest in the Center for Family Representation (CFR)’s Junior Board of Directors. The Junior Board is a volunteer council of professionals, community members, and supporters that promotes and advocates on behalf of CFR through fundraising and volunteer initiatives and attracts new friends to the organization.

We appreciate your taking a few minutes to answer the following questions about your background, interests, and availability. After your form is submitted a member of CFR’s Development team will be in touch to schedule a follow up call.

Expectations of Junior Board Members:

Financial: Junior Board members will be asked to either donate or raise a minimum of $1,000 and/or 25 volunteer hours per year for CFR’s Client Emergency Fund.

Events: The Junior Board will organize periodic and/or annual events to help raise awareness for CFR and drive fundraising for the emergency fund.

Meeting Participation: Junior Board Members will be expected to attend at least two meetings per year.

New Member Recruitment: Junior Board Members’ suggestions for prospective members are welcomed and encouraged.

Awareness Raising: Junior Board members are encouraged to support CFR’s communications and other awareness raising activities, including amplifying social media and assisting in communicating the work of CFR to a broader audience.