The Family Post-Dobbs: How Families are Formed, Informed, and Impacted Following the Decision

Please join the NYCBA on Tuesday, June 13 from 1:00-2:30pm ET for a panel on the family post-Dobbs.

Panelists will discuss the impact of the Dobbs decision through the lens of the family regulatory system and how the decision will likely further burden and have a negative impact on families at risk of surveillance by the family regulatory and other systems. Additionally, panelists will provide an overview of the national landscape of abortion access and abortion bans as well as highlight the disparate results of the Dobbs decision by explaining the intersectionality of race, class, gender, bodily autonomy, and access to reproductive health care.

Noran Elzarka, Helpline Counsel, If/When/How
Nick Kabat, Staff Attorney, US Litigation Program, Center for Reproductive Rights
Angel Charles, Warrior Parent, JMACForFamilies, JMACforFamilies
Jenna Lauter, Equal Justice Works Fellow, New York Civil Liberties Union
Jasmine Wali, MSW, Director of Policy and Advocacy, JMACforFamilies

Diana Denza, Communications Manager: Policy & Advocacy, Center for Family Representation