It’s Time to Provide Legal Help to Families Facing Child-Welfare Probes
January 22, 2019
Michele Cortese, Executive Director, and Tehra Coles, Litigation Supervisor, Government Affairs and Policy at CFR, writes to the editor of City Limits in response to a recent article by Rachel Blustain about the movement to provide legal representation to parents during ACS investigations:
At the Center for Family Representation (CFR) we have defended close to 10,000 indigent parents who are summoned to family court by the city’s Administration for Children’s Services (ACS). We applaud Rachel Blustain’s “New Push to Provide Legal Advice to Parents Facing Abuse and Neglect Investigations,” where she adeptly and comprehensively illuminates the heart-rending predicaments faced by parents being investigated by ACS, without the benefit of legal counsel.
Read the full response here.